Saturday, August 30, 2008

As Gustav Nears the U.S.

It's still a tad difficult to wrap my head around another 'Katrina'. We now have a mothership diary up and going on DailyKos and slowly links and important information is popping up on it.

I will also add links and information here as I either research it, or am supplied it by those of you in the trenches searching.

This isn't an exciting blog, but it'll be moving right along with this hurricane and perhaps we can help some lives....

I wish for all in the path of this storm that they will be safe and secure when it hits and that America will embrace you this time and assist you to recover and live in dignity.


Barbara, Tirawa and Winston


It has been three years since Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast and crippled the region and left ALL Americans with a HEART virutally paralized as they watched the horror unfold.

We remember vividly the bodies, the dead woman in the wheelchair, the stories of rape in the Super Dome. We remember the inability of our government (WHO IS ELECTED BY WE THE CITIZENS) to do anything.

I remember challenging any of the politicians on the HILL to meet me in Louisiana without their contigency of handlers and press and HELP and not ONE ever did contact me.

So as I watch in horror as Gustav gets closer to the United States, that sinking sensation has begun.

While I hoped that this blog would be about Tirawa and Winston and their antics, they've agreed we must use it as a resource and sounding board for Gustav.

Below is a list of RESOURCES that we need to get available for everyone...add to it by sending a comment or emailing me.

Most importantly thank you for helping. If you are in the path of the hurricane, LEAVE.


Animal Rescue
Small Animal
Large Animal

Potential longer term
Short term

HOUSING FOR VOLUNTEERS that go to the area.
If you live within two hours of the area that is hit and can offer a shower and someplace to crash to a volunteer, please let's hear it. During Katrina, I would have been estatic to go someplace that had hot water and real food!!!

Medical Assistance

Dental Assistance

Senior Citizen Assistance

Disabled Assistance

Water Suppliers

Ice Suppliers

Food Suppliers

NOTE: I know alot of you will say RED CROSS and the other federal agencies, but they just aren't THERE I want/ need to know about individuals and small groups out there...